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SCEC Databases, Maps, and Resources

SCEC Data Center- http://www.data.scec.org
Seismic data sets, recent earthquake lists and maps, basic earthquake science facts, "SeismoCam" (live and recorded seismograms) and links to other data centers.

SCEC Fault Information System (FIS)- http://www.scec.org/FIS/
This archive of activity data on southern California's active faults provides published slip rates, displacement, and paleoevent data on a per-fault, per reference basis. Currently, the FIS provides published numeric data for research purposes. Data from additonal publications may also be contributed on-line. To better understand the relative data reliability and quality, read the compilations at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/qfaults/. Effort is now underway to integrate FIS and Qfaults data.

COSMOS Virtual Data Center- http://db.cosmos-eq.org/
The Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) Virtual Data Center gives access to a relational database of strong ground motion parameters. Data identified through the database may be downloaded from the FTP and Web sites of over 30 agencies worldwide.

Empirical Green's Functions Library- http://egfl.crustal.ucsb.edu:8080/
A relational database and data repository containing 84,641 seismograms from 1500 southern California earthquakes. the purpose of this site is to provide fast and easy access to recordings of small earthquakes that might be used as Green's functions for predicting the ground motion from larger earthquakes.

Southern California Integerated GPS Network (SCIGN)- http://www.scign.org/
SCIGN is an array of Global Positioning System (GPS) stations distributed throughout southern California with emphasis on the greater Los Angeles metropolitan region.

Campaign-Mode GPS Data at the SCEC Data Center- http://www-pfo.ucsd.edu/scecgps/gps_page.html
The SCEC Data Center archive of GPS data contains data from "survey-mode" precise GPS measurements made in Southern California by various universities, Federal organizations (notably the US Geological Survey and the National Geodetic Survey), the California Department of Transportation, and Southern California counties, cities, and water districts.

Crustal Deformation Velocity Map- http://epicenter.usc.edu/cmm3/
The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) has supported the development of a number of community models, one of which is the Crustal Motion Model, or CMM (formerly known as the Horizontal Deformation Velocity Map). Version 1 of this was released in October 1996, and Version 2 in July 1998. We here present Version 3.0, which includes a great deal of GPS data not available in previous versions: both survey-mode data from new sites, and the permanent sites of the SCIGN network.

Geologic Vertical Motion Database- http://geomorph.geosci.unc.edu/vertical
A geologic vertical motion database for southern California based on deformed geologic markers such as marine terraces, river terraces, and stratigraphic horizons.

PANGA Data Processing Center, Including the Cascade Volcano Center's RINEX data and site logs as well.

Davis and Namson California Cross Sections - http://www.davisnamson.com/downloads/index.htm

The SCEC projects performed by Maxwell Technologies jointly with SDSU are described at: http://www.maxwell.com/products/geop/scec/scec.html

SCEC Published Research Papers- http://www.scec.org/research/papers.html
Online database of papers based on SCEC funded research.

SCEC Funded Research: Annual Reports- http://www.scec.org/core/cis/reportsearch.php
Annual reports submitted from SCEC funded research can be searched online.

Other SCEC Products and Publications- http://www.scec.org/resources/catalog/index.html

These databases are funded partially or entirely by the Southern California Earthquake Center, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center. Accuracy and Integrity of information are the responsibility of the Principal Investigator for each database, and all inquiries should be directed to persons named on each web site. SCEC assumes no responsibility for accuracy or integrity of the databases unless specifically noted.


If your database should be on this list, please e-mail Mark Benthien at benthien@usc.edu

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