Participants: |
Duncan Agnew | IGPP/SIO/UC San Diego |
John Anderson | Nevada Seismological Laboratory |
Robert Anderson | Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission |
Ramon Arrowsmith | Arizona State University |
Corinne Bachmann | ETH Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service |
Iain Bailey | University of Southern California |
Yehuda Ben-Zion | University of Southern California |
Gregory Beroza | Stanford University |
Glenn Biasi | University of Nevada Reno |
Michael Blanpied | U.S. Geological Survey |
Margaret Boettcher | University of New Hampshire |
Jayne Bormann | Center for Neotectonic Studies, University of Nevada, Reno |
Christiann Boutwell | University of South Carolina |
David Bowman | Cal State Fullerton |
Kate Chen | National Taiwan Normal Univ. |
Rui Chen | California Geological Survey |
Marcello Chiodi | dept. of statistical mathematical sc.-University of Palermo |
Annemarie Christophersen | ETH Zurich |
Annie Chu | University of California, Los Angeles |
Robert Clements | University of California, Los Angeles |
Karin Dahmen | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Bogdan Enescu | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) |
Matthieu Ferry | Centro de Geofisica de Evora (UE) |
Edward (Ned) Field | U.S. Geological Survey |
Delphine Fitzenz | CGE |
Thomas Goebel | University of Southern California |
Alvaro Gonzalez | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Jeanne Hardebeck | US Geological Survey |
James Holliday | University of California |
Tran Huynh | Southern California Earthquake Center |
Takeo Ishibe | Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo |
Alik Ismail-Zadeh | University of Karlsruhe |
Takaki Iwata | Waseda University |
David Jackson | UCLA Department of Earth and Space Sciences |
Thomas Jordan | USC/SCEC |
Yan Kagan | University of California, Los Angeles |
Takao Kumazawa | The Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
Michael Lewis | University of Southern California |
Andrea Llenos | MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Lisa Ludwig | University of California Irvine |
Andrew Michael | U.S. Geological Survey |
Arnaud Mignan | Risk Management Solutions |
Stephen Miller | University of Bonn |
George Molchan | IIEP, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Kazu Nanjo | Earthquake Research Institute |
Yosihiko Ogata | The Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
Katerina Orfanogiannaki | National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Geodynamics |
Morgan Page | USGS Pasadena |
Katrin Plenkers | GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience |
Peter Powers | University of Southern California |
David Rhoades | GNS Science |
Marc Rierola | Axis Re |
Badie Rowshandel | California Geological Survey & California Earthquake Authority |
Justin Rubinstein | US Geological Survey |
Alexandra Sarmiento | University of Nevada, Reno; Center for Neotectonic Studies |
Frederic Schoenberg | University of California, Los Angeles |
Danijel Schorlemmer | SCEC/USC |
Peter Shebalin | Intl. Inst. Earthquake Prediction Theory and Math. Geophysics, RAS |
Christine Smyth | Disaster Prevention Research Institute |
Seok Goo Song | URS Corporation |
Ross Stein | U.S. Geological Survey |
Shinji Toda | Geological Survey of Japan |
Sarah Touati | University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences |
Hiroshi Tsuruoka | Earthquake Research Institute |
Donald Turcotte | University of California, Davis |
Nicholas van der Elst | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Alejandro Veen | IBM Research |
David Vere-Jones | Victoria University of Wellington and Statistics Research Associates, New Zealand |
Qi Wang | University of California, Los Angeles |
Steven Ward | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Steven Wesnousky | Center for Neotectonic Studies, Univ. of Nevada, Reno |
Jochen Woessner | Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich |
Ka Wong | UCLA Statistics |
Max Wyss | WAPMERR |
Wenzheng Yang | Graduate Student |
Ilya Zaliapin | University of Nevada Reno |
Jeremy Zechar | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University |
Jiancang Zhuang | The Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
Ramon Zuniga | UNAM, Centro de Geociencias |